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You can validate your CRON expressions using Crontab by Cronhub

Discovery job

It's time to configure the discovery job.

It will fetch movies from Overseerr (from the upcoming/popular/trending sections) and evaluate each of them.

        # ....
        # Required
        cron: '30 3 * * *'
        # Required - the overseer streams to search through
        # Possible values: upcoming, popular, trending
            - upcoming
            - popular
            - trending
        # Required - the name of the ruleset used to evaluate movies
        ruleset: Ruleset name

Smart recommendations


The implementation of this job is still a work in progress

This job uses your personal ratings in your Plex library to scan movies you may like.

Considering the movie you liked, it will crawl their recommended movies and apply the given ruleset.

    # ....
        # Required
        cron: '1 14 * * *'
        # The name of the plex library to use as a seed
        plexLibrary: Films
        # Your minimum personal rating to consider
        minimumRating: 6.9
        ruleset: Ruleset name

Testing jobs

Evaluating a ruleset

You can also evaluate a ruleset against a specific movie, using the following URL:


Simply replace <id_movie> and <rulest_name> by the values matching your needs.

To find the ID of a movie, navigate to the movie in Overseerr. The ID is the number is the URL.

Manually triggering jobs

You can manually trigger the job by accessing the following URL (assuming Overcrawlrr is accessible at http://localhost:5056):

  • Discover job: http://localhost:5056/api/discover
  • Smart recommendations job: http://localhost:5056/api/smartRecommendations

Evaluation of the jobs are displayed in the container log. If you named your service overcrawlrr, you can see it with the following command:

docker logs overcrawlrr --follow