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Filters on the adult status of the movie.

- adult: yes
  # or
- adult: no


Filters on the age of the movie.

See Duration expressions for more details

- age: less than 2 years
  # or
- age: more than 6 months


Predicate that will match if all of its predicate matches

# Will match if the movie is less than 2 years old AND if the movie genre is 'animation'
- and:
      - age: less than 2 years
      - genre:
            - animation


Filters based on the cast of the movie. Will match when one or more of the listed name matches.

Case insensitive

- cast:
      - Denzel Washington
      - Jessica Alba

It is also possible to exclude an cast when it's performing voice only (in animation movies for example)

- cast:
      voice: exclude
          - Scarlett Johansson


Filters based on the crew of the movie. Will match when one or more of the listed name matches.

Case insensitive

- crew:
      - James Cameron
      - Hans Zimmer

It is also possible to specify the job

- crew:
      job: director
          - James Cameron
          - Steven Spielberg


Filters on the genre of the movie. Will match when one or more of the listed genres matches the genre of the movie.


The values for this predicates are expressed in the language used by the configured user.

Case insensitive

- genre: musical
# or with an array of values
- genre:
      - animation
      - romance


Filters on the keywords of the movie. Will match when one or more of the listed keywords match the keywords of the movie.

Case insensitive

- keyword: musical
# or with an array of values
- keyword:
      - future
      - robot


Predicate that invert the result of its child predicate

- not:
      - genre:
            - animation


Filters on the original language of the movie

Case insensitive

# ISO 639-1 format of the language (de, au, us, fr...)
- originalLanguage: en
# or with an array of values
- originalLanguage:
      - en
      - fr


Predicate that will match if any of its predicate matches

# Will match if the movie is less than 2 years old OR if the movie score is above 8
- or:
      - age: less than 2 years
      - score: above 8


Filters based on the production companies of the movie. Will match when one or more of the listed company matches.

Case insensitive

- productionCompany:
      - 20th Century Fox
      - Warner Bros. Pictures
      - Twisted Pictures


Filters on the released status of the movie.

- released: yes
  # or
- released: no


Filters on the runtime (duration) of the movie.

See Duration expressions for more details

- runtime: less than 2.5 hours
  # or
- runtime: more than 120 minutes


Filters on the score of the movie.

Overseerr score is expressed between 0 to 10, but to make things clear, it is possible to pass the score as a fractional number.

- score: above 6.5
  # or
- score: below 75/100 # Would be the same as 7.5, 7.5/10 or even 750/1000


Filters on the status of the movie.

The possible values are the one provided by TMDB: rumored, planned, in production, post production, released, canceled

Case insensitive

- status: released
# or with an array of values
- status:
      - released
      - post production
      - planned


Filters on the vote count of the movie.

- voteCount: above 1000
  # or
- voteCount: below 100


Filters based on the available Streaming/VOD platforms. Will match when one or more of the listed provider matches.

Case insensitive

# This predicate will match when the movie is available in Germany on Netflix or Amazon Prime
- watchProviders:
      # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format of the region (de, au, us, fr...)
      - region: de
      - names:
            - Netflix
            - Amazon Prime

Duration expressions

Duration expressions, like the one used in the age or runtime predicate can be expressed in the following way:

  • an operator: less than or more than
  • a integer or decimal number: 2 or 2.5
  • a unit: one of the following year, month, week, day, hour, minute. Singular or plural doesn't matter, so hour is the same as hours

The following expressions are valid:

  • less than 1 hour/less than 1 hours/less than 60 minutes
  • less than 3 hours/less than 3 hour/less than 180 minute
  • more than 6 month